Arts in Education/Art is Education
Gonzaga University:
Dance Program - In 2000, I created the Dance minor and its curriculum, and I have worked to grow the program since. The capstone course for the minor is Strategies for Dance Instruction, in which I teach the college students methods for teaching creative dance. I have also directed and choreographed a number of shows for Gonzaga, including pieces for the American College Dance Association's annual regional dance conference.
Zag Dance - Students in Strategies for Dance Instruction teach in our free after-school dance program, ZagDance. Through this, children come to Gonzaga from local, partner elementary schools to learn dance.
Dance for Parkinson's - Our Gonzaga Dance Program partners with the Parkinson's Resource Center in Spokane WA, and Mark Morris Dance to provide dance class for patients with Parkinson's and their caregivers.
Interdisciplinary Arts - In 2016, the new Interdisciplinary Arts minor was approved by the university, allowing students to combine studies in dance, theatre, visual arts, and music.
Advised Projects:
Loie Fuller - During the 2016-2017 school year, I advised a student in a research project on legendary performer Loie Fuller, which culminated in a restaging of one of her piece's Lily for the annual Spring Dance Concert. See videos of the staging and the final performance. Read a broad look at the Loie Fuller project here.
Dance of the River - A Biology major, Dance minor student created a dance show that toured to local schools to teach young students the importance of rivers. See a video here or read more about it here.
Past Work:
Arts Impact - From 2011-2013, I served as a Theatre Specialist for this regional program modeled after a successful Seattle Area NDE Arts Research Grant program. Arts Impact provides teacher training and mentoring to select schools integrating arts to teach literacy and math. http://www.arts-impact.org/
Whitworth University - From 2000 to 2010, I created the Theatre Dance minor and developed the program by producing the annual spring recital and creating curriculum.
Avista Corp. - I have served as guest director for children's program, 'Wattson and Edison'. Directing and choreographing mascots in specific movement behavior and developing the school productions.
I am grateful to be in the position to be a catalyst of inspiration to others. When I look honestly at much of the work I create, I realize I am often driven by the desire to create community, lift spirits and develop wholeness - sometimes more than to create a product. If attention is given to the development of community, the art will be what it needs to be. This humanist version of “form follows function” is present in my theatre work, dance pedagogy and personal philosophical core. I am an artist/educator, using the medium of dance, theatre and visual art to develop embodied and expressive beings/artists.